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The OCO library brings together our policy submissions and advice to Government, OCO strategies, reports, investigation statements, financial information and more.
Latest Releases
- March 2008
- Type: Advice
- Topic: Child protection
Advice in relation to the Spent Convictions Bill 2007
The Spent Convictions Bill, 2007 was introduced as a private members bill by Barry Andrews TD on 25 October 2007 and follows on from a previous, similar private members bill (the Rehabilitation of Offenders Bill, 2007) ...
- February 2008
- Type: Advice
- Topic: Child protection, Immigration
Submission on the National Action Plan against Trafficking in Human Beings
The Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Brian Lenihan TD, announced the commencement of a period of public consultation and invited submissions on the proposed National Action Plan Against Trafficking in Human Beings on 18 ...
- February 2008
- Type: Advice
Submission to the Joint Committee on the Constitutional Amendment on Children
On 13 December 2007, the OCO received an invitation from the Chair of the Joint Committee on the Constitutional Referendum on Children, Mary O’Rourke TD, to make a written submission to the Committee. The Committee’s Orders ...
- December 2007
- Type: Finance/OCO records
- Topic: OCO info
Financial Statement 2006
Financial reports provide information on the performance of the Ombudsman for Children’s Office. They allow us to be held accountable for how we manage and use the money we receive. We are required by law to ...
- September 2007
- Type: Finance/OCO records
- Topic: OCO info
Annual Report 2006
The Ombudsman for Children’s Office is required under law to submit to the Oireachtas an Annual Report on the performance of our functions. The annual report is a comprehensive report on our activities throughout the preceding ...
- July 2007
- Type: Reports to the UN
Report on the examination of Ireland’s First Report under the Optional Protocol to the CRC on the involvement of Children in Armed Conflict
In July 2007, the Ombudsman for Children’s Office received an invitation from the Committee on the Rights of the Child to submit information relevant to the situation in Ireland as regards the Optional Protocol to the ...
- May 2007
- Type: Research
Barriers to the Realisation of Children’s Rights in Ireland
This research was commissioned in 2006 by the Ombudsman for Children as a baseline research study concerning children’s rights in Ireland. Its objective is to identify the principal obstacles children and young people face with regard ...
- May 2007
- Type: Advice
- Topic: Child protection, Immigration
Advice on the General Scheme of the Criminal Law (Trafficking in Persons and Sexual Offences) Bill 2006
The General Scheme of the Criminal Law (Trafficking in Persons and Sexual Offences) Bill was referred to the OCO by the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform on 20 July 2006. In accordance with this ...
- March 2007
- Type: Advice
- Topic: Education, Transport
Submission to the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Education & Science Regarding School Transport
This report has been prepared in response to the invitation for submissions made by the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Education and Science regarding the issue of school transport catchment boundaries. The provision of school transport is ...
- March 2007
- Type: Report
Report to the Oireachtas on the Twenty-Eighth Amendment of the Constitution Bill 2007
In a speech on 3 November, 2006, An Taoiseach announced his intention to hold a referendum on children’s rights and that he had requested the Minister for Children, Brian Lenihan, to initiate a process of consultation ...