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The OCO library brings together our policy submissions and advice to Government, OCO strategies, reports, investigation statements, financial information and more.
Latest Releases
- December 2006
- Type: Finance/OCO records
- Topic: OCO info
Financial Statement 2005
Financial reports provide information on the performance of the Ombudsman for Children’s Office. They allow us to be held accountable for how we manage and use the money we receive. We are required by law to ...
- December 2006
- Type: Advice
Advice on the proposed referendum on children’s rights
In giving this advice, it was the view of the OCO that changes must be made to Articles 40, 41 and 42 of the Constitution in order to provide for express protection of the rights of ...
- September 2006
- Type: Finance/OCO records
- Topic: OCO info
Annual Report 2005
The Ombudsman for Children’s Office is required under law to submit to the Oireachtas an Annual Report on the performance of our functions. The annual report is a comprehensive report on our activities throughout the preceding ...
- June 2006
- Type: Advice
- Topic: Child protection
Advice on the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Bill 2006
On 23 May 2006, in the case of CC v Ireland and others, the Supreme Court struck down Section 1 (1) of the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 1935 as unconstitutional. Section 1 (1) of the Act ...
- April 2006
- Type: Reports to the UN
Report to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child on the examination of Ireland’s Second Report to the Committee
In its Concluding Observations on Ireland’s Initial Report, published in 1998, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child made 17 substantive recommendations calling for changes in law, policy and/or practice in the State. Since ...
- April 2006
- Type: Advice
- Topic: Youth justice
Advice on the proposed changes to the Children Act, 2001
The OCO welcomed the work of the Youth Justice Task Force and the Report on the Youth Justice Review published in January 2006. The Youth Justice Task Force has brought much needed leadership and vision to ...
- January 2006
- Type: Report
- Topic: Child protection
Report to the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Health and Children on complaints about child protection
The aim of this report is to bring to the Committee’s attention complaints conveyed to the OCO regarding child protection in Ireland. This report contains a summary and analysis of 61 complaints submitted by members of ...
- December 2005
- Type: Finance/OCO records
- Topic: OCO info
Financial Statement 2004
Financial reports provide information on the performance of the Ombudsman for Children’s Office. They allow us to be held accountable for how we manage and use the money we receive. We are required by law to ...
- March 2005
- Type: Advice
- Topic: Education
Ombudsman for Children Submission to the Task Force on Student Behaviour
Formal and informal education is a central part of the lives of Children. Art 42 of the Irish Constitution recognises that right to education. In this submission, we highlight the large number of good practices at ...
- January 2005
- Type: Advice
Submission to the All-Party Oireachtas Committee on the Constitution
In trying to influence or effect change at a strategic level, there could be no opportunity as great as that presented by a review of the Irish Constitution. In this submission we took this opportunity to ...