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Getting Information
What does this mean?

It’s your right to get information about your well-being in ways you understand it.
Adults should make sure the information you receive isn’t bad for you, for example, not allowing you watch films which are over 18s or putting parental controls on the internet.
The media; radio, TV, social media and newspapers, should be careful about how they give information to children, for example the adverts during children TV programmes are carefully monitored so they are appropriate.
EXAMPLE: You don’t have the right to the internet, but you do have the right to access the internet in an age-appropriate way.

Learn more about this right
Do I have this right in Ireland?
- UNCRC, article 17 – it’s your right to get information that is important to your well-being, from radio, newspaper, books, computers and other sources. Adults should make sure that the information you are getting is not harmful, and help you find and understand the information you need.
- Under the Citizen Information Act 2007, it’s your right to get information about your rights.
- Under the Public Libraries Ireland Act 1855, it’s your right to get information from the library.
Doing a project?
- There is no such thing as the right to the internet yet. But the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child may clarify this soon.
- It is the Government’s job to make sure you can access the internet. In Ireland, there are some areas that have faster internet than others,
- The Citizen Information Bureau website and the public libraryis where you can access clear and unbiased information.
- Citizens Information Online has information about your rights and entitlements. In some counties, there are youth information centres where you can drop in and get information about your rights and entitlements in education, careers, sport and leisure, and so on.
- 16.1 million people visit the library every year, with 5.1 million (32%) being children under the age of 14. (Public Library Authority Statistics 2011).
- Schools may block certain websites on the school WIFI network to protect their students as they feel these websites are not appropriate.
- The Irish Film Classification Office was set up in 1923 because of the Censorship of Films Act. It gives rating for video games and films.
- There are guidelines on how the media should talk to children, such as making sure that no alcohol companies advertise to children.
Links to other organisations
- Youth Information Centre – There are youth information centres around the country. To see where your nearest one is, check out here and here.
- Spunout – The Online Safety Hub has information for young people on how to stay safe online
- Watch Your Space – Take a look at Watch Your Space to see what young people are doing to tackle cyber-bullying.
- Safer Internet Day – Find out about Safer Internet Day.
- CRIN – Child Rights International Network – This organisation campaigns for children’s rights around the world. They advocate for children to get access to information.
- Webwise
- Citizens information