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Dealing with Bullying in Schools: A Consultation with Children & Young People
- May 2012
- Type: Report
- Topic: Education

Since its establishment the OCO has engaged directly with hundreds of schools across the country and heard from thousands of children, parents as well as professionals working in the education system. Among the challenges that professionals working in schools can encounter is the complex and evolving problem of bullying among children and young people. On average, over 40% of complaints made to my Office annually relate to education and bullying is consistently among the five issues raised most frequently in education-related complaints.
This report presents the views and ideas shared by over three hundred children and young people who participated in a consultation on dealing with bullying in schools. The consultation was initiated in light of concerns about bullying that have been raised by children, parents and professionals and in accordance with our obligations under Section 7 of the Ombudsman for Children Act, 2002 to consult with children and to highlight issues relating to their rights and welfare that are of concern to children themselves.
- May 2012
- Type: Report
- Topic: Education