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A statement regarding educational provision in mainstream school for children with Down Syndrome
- December 2012
- Type: Investigation
- Topic: Disability, Education

In September 2009 and May 2010, the Office received separate but similar complaints. The complaints were made by two mothers on behalf of two children with Down Syndrome. The complaints related to the education of the children, both of whom were attending mainstream primary schools, and the actions of the Department of Education and Skills (hereafter referred to as the Department) in regard to the decision not to include Down Syndrome as a low incidence disability in Department criteria for resourcing and the implications this has for children with Down Syndrome and their specific educational needs. This investigation focused on the actions of the Department relating to the administration of provision for the special educational needs of children with Down Syndrome attending mainstream primary schools.
- December 2012
- Type: Investigation
- Topic: Disability, Education